Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Emergency Stage for HVH

During the first weeks following the quake, as you know Haiti Village Health was assigned to the operating of the airstrip in Jacmel. While the airport became flooded of planes and volunteers it was our responsibility to record the responsive teams that flew in. Here is a brief overview of the numbers which we verified:


week 3: 39
week 4: 80
week 5: 59
week 6: 59
week 7: 50
week 8: 19
TOTAL: 306


week 3: 18
week 4: 76
week 5: 54
week 6: 58
week 7: 45
week 8: 39
week 9: 4
TOTAL: 294

As you can see Haiti Village Health relief staff were exceptionally busy to assure that teams arrived safely throughout the emergency stages post earthquake.

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