Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Update March 10th

Well, it's just over 2 weeks since I returned from Haiti and things are changing every day.  The airport authority has decided to stop international flights when the Canadian Military leaves on Sunday.  This will severely limit the medical teams and supplies that come in to the region.  In one regard we should be thankful we've been able to continue on for two months, but in another, it's unfortunate that "free aid" will have difficulty getting into the country.
My staff on the ground are doing their best to work with the Airport Authority on this issue and we are making appeals to the Mayor's office and Senator to see if we can extend jacmel's time as "International Airport"
Dr. Mona is still continuing her work at the Health Meetings and Namita Kumar, our new logistics rep, has been doing a great job keeping things organized.
More updates on fundraising efforts soon.

Dr. Tiffany Keenan
Haiti Village Health, Founder & Director
NGO Coordinator, Jacmel Airport   (Haiti Health Database)
Bermuda 441-599-7709
Haiti 509-3727-5832, 3486-6020
skype  tiffany.keenan.1971


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