Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Well, today I was off with Bonnie and our driver to Cap Rouge. Cap Rouge is located just north of Jacmel and it took us about 90 minutes to get to the clinic which was almost at the end of the road.

The first picture you'll see is of the Clinique or Dispensaire in Cap Rouge. It is staffed by a local MD who you see me standing with. It is similar to the clinic in Labadie, for those of you that know it, and has attached living quarters for the doctor and nurse. They seemed quite interested in hearing more about the health network. They felt their greatest concerns were supplies and building size as well as cost of medications for the people.

We visited the local Government school as well. The principal recently received recognition for 30 years of service in the Haitian School system. From what we saw he seemed to run a pretty tight ship. The school was silent while in session. He said the children pay 100 gourdes per year for their education which is about $3 Cdn. He showed us the water collection system outside. It is basically rainwater collection from the roof. Bonnie will work with a partner she has in healthy water to treat the rainwater, ensuring it's safety for the children. She will also work with another contact I have in Port au Prince to provide regular de-worming medicine to the children.

After the return trip from Cap Rouge, we stopped at the Profamil Clinic in Jacmel. This clinic provides councilling service and treatment for STDs, family planning and prenatal care.

I returned to the FOTCOH clinic for the final hour of patient care.

It's been a busy day and exhaustion is starting to set in.

I've got to get some rest now for the Health Network Meeting tomorrow evening.

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